Experience REAL online coaching with your own private coaching portal for communications, exercise app for workouts, weekly health assignments, and live coaching calls to help you improve your health from anywhere in the world.
What to Expect
A health education system…
RET-ONLINE was bred out of John’s urge to find a different way of helping clients virtually during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Designing a curriculum that progresses you through improving metabolic function and fat burning, detoxing your living environments, and developing stress management strategies. In addition to this 52-week program, over 100 exercise videos have been filmed and edited by John so you will be provided with monthly customized workout programming through our smartphone app. RET-ONLINE provides a deeper level of assistance than anything you will find on the internet today as its being guided by a REAL life Exercise Professional with 10+ years experience and over 10,000 hours of in person clients trained.
This is NOT a demographic. It is a collection of your personal history we go over in your consultation.
Everything we do is built off of your individual goal NOT mine.
What do you have available in your joint positions and motions? Some call this “mobility” and others call it “flexibility”,
We will only load what you can possess control and ownership over.
We will constantly be adjusting your current exercise program based off tolerance to forces.
Everything must be customized to your individual mechanical needs. We can use the objective filter of applying mechanics to your workouts. I will build exercises around you as opposed to cramming you into an exercise just because the rest of the world says it’s good. Nothing is automatic!
Our training will be custom-fit and client-defined (RTS).
Understanding the basics of how joints function, various anatomical parts, and other considerations that may come with injury or aging is something we focus on heavily in making safe exercise decisions for you.
Understanding muscle insertions, joints they cross, mechanisms of muscle contraction, and what effects overall muscle output helps us detect deficits that may be impairing your muscular system function. Often leading to pain, decreased flexibility, and/or injury.
Our exercise professionals understand how to use each tool to get the best out of your muscular system and reach your goals. Knowing when its appropriate to use free weights, machines, or just bodyweight is another thing that sets our personal trainers apart from the rest.
Clients are expected to make 6 or 12 month commitments to REED ELITE TRAINING to allow enough time to properly assess, correct and progress through training phases to see desired results. A real transformation is not a short process, which unfortunately advertising often lies to us about. If you really want to do this the right way commit and invest some time into yourself.